This website is about Istanbul… The City of wonders…

The mysterious, the secretive and the beautiful city of Istanbul… The capital city of empires. A rainbow of cultures, religions and nations…

An ancient city full of hidden gems that are more numerous than the ones on the regular itineraries of visitors. Some of them unbeknown even to a majority of the locals.

So, welcome to My Beautiful Istanbul… To discover, to learn and to enjoy the city like an Istanbulite. To wander in the alleys of districts almost as old as the city itself. To have a glimpse of the cuisine which is so much more than the kebabs offered to tourists. To have an insight about how the locals live, what they eat and enjoy in Istanbul.

Yes, it is My Beautiful Istanbul because, I believe everyone has an Istanbul of one’s own in this fascinating city…

(*)- All rights of the text and photographs on this website belong to the writer unless stated otherwise. They can not be used without permission and reference.